Chicken wings Content

* Chicken wings (select size large) 10 pieces, cut parts of the chest, separated

* 150 grams of bread flour, to grease

* Wheat flour 50 gr

* Eggs 2 eggs, lightly beaten with a little salt added, to grease

* 750 ml oil, for frying


* Minced chicken meat 100 gr

* 100 gr peeled shrimp, finely chopped

* 3 cloves garlic, crushed

* 1 / 3 tsp fine salt

* 1 / 3 tsp pepper powder

* 1 / 2 tsp sugar

1. Combine ingredients for the content, or milled again stirring until well blended. Reserve

2. Use a sharp knife edge and sharp to remove chicken meat from one end of the joint top, push down toward the joint, then broke a bone in the joints, remove the bone. Keep the chicken skin should not be damaged.

3. Take 2 teaspoons (approximately) materials content, enter into sayam chicken skin, then cover and coat the flour with a thin layer of fist-fist so that the material does not fill out. Dip into the beaten eggs, then coat with bread crumbs as he fists again and returned again the shape of a whole chicken sayam. Put on the container / pan, cover a sheet of plastic and store in refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

4. Heat enough oil on the fire sdang only. Sayam fried chicken until the surface content of brown and cooked through. 2-3 just enough time to fry the wings to keep a good shape and cooked evenly. Remove and drain.

5. Serve hot with tomato sauce or mayonnaise sauce to taste.


Best and Easy PTC said...

Serve hot chicken with mayonnaise sauce, good food

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