Pempek Palembang

How to make pempek palembang:

Pempek Ingredients:
1. Sago or tapioca (250 g)
2. Minced fish or fish paste (500 grams)
3. Salt to taste
4. Seasonings to taste
5. Warm water
How to cook: Stir the sago with minced fish in salt with spices mingle sampe, do not get too flat adukannya. Was mixed, warm water sampe love mixing software. Then boil (make round or oval shape). After floating pempek boiled, lift, rain, and then fried or ready to eat.

Materials Cuko / gravy pempek:
1. Java red sugar to taste (sampe black water color)
2. Cayenne pepper to taste
3. Garlic taste
4. Tip of a teaspoon of pepper
How to cook: boil sugar sampe black water, do not sampe thick, add the garlic and chili pepper and finely ground. After about 30 minutes up, and ready to be served with pempek.

Secret: same spinner fish must sago 1: 2, and in the mix not too uneven.

Materials for Pindang Bones (typical palembang)
1. beef ribs or beef dripping
2. finely chopped ginger
3. turmeric, chopped fine
4. shrimp stir pake water (condensed) (to taste)
5. sweet soy sauce (to taste)
6. soy sauce (to taste)
7. Semangi leaves (to taste)
8. galangal (chopped fine to taste)
9. cayenne pepper (to taste)
10. blueband butter to taste
11. seasonings to taste
12. Red onion / onions to taste
13. garlic to taste
14. minced chilies to taste
15. Garem sufficiently
16. pepper
Remember: estimates spices depending on how much beef will be cooked
How to make:
1. Saute ginger, galangal, turmeric, onion, garlic, pepper, garem, blueband butter, and vegetable oil added to taste. Stir to along with the oil and butter until berkuah, after a fragrant lift.
2. Sampe beef boiled tender, soft After input of this stir, and shrimp paste that is mixed with enough water. (baked fish paste used). add soy sauce and salt, and leaves and chili Semangi cut in two parts. (green chili is OK)
3. Tasting, make it fit your taste!


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